Leadership and Service

I am passionate about strengthening the nuclear and particle physics workforce through improvements to physics education, training, and development; workplace climate; as well as outreach that helps us inspire, recruit, and cultivate scientific talent from all backgrounds. Below are some of the many projects I've been involved in over the years.

MIT Physics Values Committee

Co-Chair (Aug. 2020 - Feb. 2021)
Web co-developer (2019-2020), Subcommittee co-chair (2020), External advisor (2021)

Managed a team of 18 faculty, administrative staff, postdocs, graduates, and undergraduates. Onboarded the committee’s first faculty and staff co-chairs. Oversaw the committee’s transformation from a council primarily focused on improving one-on-one student interactions through a values statement and associated trainings, to an organization focused on improving policies, practices, and procedures across all domains of the Physics Department. Under my leadership, the committee researched and developed formal recommendations for department leadership on topics ranging from administrative staff workload, responsibilities, and recognition; to graduate student advising guidelines and resources; to physicist recruitment and retention practices; and beyond.

MIT Physics Graduate Student Council

President (2020-2021)
Chair (founding/interim), Graduates Advising Graduate Admissions (July-Sep. 2020)

Physics student governance and social organization. Interfaced regularly with the department administration and undergraduate president about areas of student concern during the pandemic. Spearheaded writing formal reports to the department about a number of topics. Added significant resources to the website. Helped get the Grads Advising Grad Admissions committee off the ground, which works with the Admissions Chair to bring the graduate admissions process into alignment with current best practices and oversees PhysGAAP, a new program providing guidance to prospective applicants. 

Washington University in St. Louis

Society of Physics Students President (2016-2018), Treasurer (2015-2016)
Physics Department Workplace Climate Committee (2015-2018)
Student Union Senator (2014-2016)

Ran regular academic and social events for physics students. Worked with the department and met with upper-level university administrators including the Provost and Deans to resolve workplace climate concerns in the department, leading to significant concrete improvements. Advocated as an organization for new initiatives, ranging from the successful creation of new Astrophysics and Biophysics major programs, to acceleration of improvements to the physical accessibility of the physics building.

 To learn more about other initiatives I have been involved in, please see my CV.